If the burden is light, why would need to be reminded of that? Jesus prefaced His statement with "come unto me". He was talking to those that had not yet taken up the burden.
Mad Dawg
JoinedPosts by Mad Dawg
Brothers Be Happy - WT Study for October 25-32, Earnestly Seek Jehovah's Blessing...
by jgnat init's no good just to go through the motions.
to achieve jehovah's blessings, the brothers and sisters must have the right heart motivation; to conduct their work in joy and love and remind themselves that the load is not burdensome.. but what if the work is boring and burdensome?
what if in the organization and scheduling of "god's organization", the spirit of the law has been lost?.
Why doesn't the Elder's Book give any instructions about Armageddon?
by Mad Dawg init does mention what to do in the case of a disaster, but there are no specific instructions for the big a. what's a brother to do?.
Mad Dawg
It does mention what to do in the case of a disaster, but there are no specific instructions for the Big A. What's a brother to do?
...Obama on Jon Stewart`s "Daily Show"...
by OUTLAW inlast night obama was a guest,on jon stewart`s "daily show"... stewart did`nt pull any punch`s... obama got a chance to say,what was on his mind... .
civil obama interview on 'daily show' cements stewart's talent, influence .
robert bianco usa today october 28, 2010. when it comes to interview gets, it doesn't get any better than sitting presidents.
Mad Dawg
Are you saying that we should return the vote to white, male landowners?
Why dont Jehovah Witness pioneers and baptized publishers like the title 'Ordained Minister?'
by Joliette ini watched a video on this, and an independent filmmaker was asking a brother why dont jehovah's witnesses publishers and pioneers consider themselves to be ordanined ministers.
he went to a scripture and then said that the reason why we do this work, is to help our neighboors learn about the bible and live there lives according to it.
he seemed to distance himself from the title 'ordained minister.
Mad Dawg
Do Dubs receive any documentation that they are ordained? Can any baptized Dub perform a marriage?
Name Some Stupid Organization/ Congregation Rules
by minimus inthere's a lot of them!.
one rule is you can't wear a tee shirt with writing on it if you are working at a quick build kh .
nothing with logos.. let's add more stupid rules that were in your hall or that the organization has.. .
Mad Dawg
Wing Commander asked:
Excuse me, since when does the flock feed the Shephard?
Answer: When the flock gets slaughtered.
Mad Dawg
<Insert rude comment about preferring Girl Scouts here.>
Are Popovers and Yorkshire Pudding One and the Same?
by snowbird ini ask because they're suspiciously similar.
i wonder if they can be found in southwest alabama?.
Mad Dawg
Isn't Yorkshire pudding made from Yorkshire terriers?
(sighs) i kinda have a problem...>.<
by BlackTwisted inhey guys, well, idk where to turn to at this point, but i feel like pouring my heart out to a random people, so please hear me out.. .
okay, so i have been online dating, for um, about a year or two, i am 15, and i am not sure if any of you have heard the "sixth sense" i have that, and i feel i can trust this dude, so i am sure he is who he says he is, i don't have any bad vibes about him...except he's an athiest :( but other than that, he is a really nice guy, we have started dating this month.
yes, we have cybering, but not much, and no, we dont send any explicit pics and we're both virgins.
Mad Dawg
Black, for all you know, he is 40 years old and just trying to get into your pants. It appears that the only things you know about him is what HE has told you. Perverts will be the "boyfriend" of several girls at a time. They practice until they can pass for 16. It is easy to be anything you want from behind a computer monitor. Girls who are wishing for their knight in shining armor only make it easier. I have neices that were sure of their "sixth sense". Now they are stuck in miserable marriages. I am not getting on your case here, just pointing out reality. I do wish the best for you.
Is it Okay for JW's to 'Celebrate' Their Birthday With Business Promotions?
by OnTheWayOut inwhat i mean is, is it okay to go into the ice cream parlor or tavern and accept the free product on your birthday?.
or to register your birthday on some business website and receive a coupon for a free meal or discount or something?.
i ask because my wife registered her starbucks card and got a postcard for a free birthday drink.
Mad Dawg
It is probably ok to drink it as long as she does not enjoy it and does not have any thoughts about her birthday. It would probably help if she put the money saved in the KH offering box.
Need to vent/ask opnion/advice on new renter in my house
by bluesapphire inokay, so my girls all moved out and we had three empty rooms and a lot of bills to pay.
so we decided to rent the upstairs room with its own bath.
we also have a three car garage and the single car garage is fully drywalled, has its own entrance and is huge.
Mad Dawg
If you have to replace the floor covering, put down something cheap and durable. Renters don't take care of a home as would the owner. Linoleum works well and looks good enough. Don't put down carpeting or anything else that would easily damage. Sadly, of the people that I know that rent out, the ones who get burned the worst are the ones who make the rental as nice as possible.